21 November 2007

photoshop part 1

Feeling really boring, Amber, a 7 year old girl, looked back. Suddenly she saw her old friend, Denise. Amber was happy because at least she found a friend. It was the first day at school. It was pretty boring. But at least she found someone new and interesting like Nina, Vanessa, Cassandra, and Diana. Amber usually hanged out with Nina and Vanessa only. To her that time, Nina and Vanessa were the coolest person on earth. There are a lot of stuff happened to her. There this one time when some guy bugged her.

“ Wei, budak ni comellah. Geram aku tengok dia!” said Aleph to his friend. He pinched Amber’s cheek. Amber blushed.
“ Hey! Buat kerjalah.” said Aleph’s friend. So Amber is a little happy because she could socialize with the world around her and she’s not somewhat a weirdo. Then suddenly something happened. There was a bright light. Her heart missed a beat. She took a deep breath and was melted by the hotness of a guy named Adam Sanders. Since that happened, Amber always looked at Adam dreamily. She dreamed about Adam almost every night. But she was a little jealous when Adam had to sit beside her friend, friends almost about everything. She lied about her boyfriend, she lied about her Diana. She was someone most people hate because she often hanged out with boys. So, there she was, loving Adam. And there are more people that she met like Nick, the arrogant guy. He was so arrogant because he was nagging about his brother ‘cause there was his brother’s name on top of a window. Whatever. There was also this guy named Ben, who often bugged her. It turned out Ben had a crush on Amber. It was a bit silly and childish indeed. There was this one time; it was like the moment of glory. Actually it happens to all the people. It’s just this time, it’s a little special ‘cause Adam was the one that hit Amber using the stupid manila card and they did communicate. Talking to Adam was such a dream come true. Amber was always the clever girl. She got second place in class.

The next year, Amber was in 2 Kennings. There, she sits beside Tim. They were good friends. Well, it was like a short term friendship. Amber’s best friend when she was in Year 2 was Diana. Amber sits beside Tim so they kind of really good friends and they always laugh at each other’s joke and have fun together. Amber’s also friends with a girl named Regina. Regina was a bit annoying but she was so nice when she’s not evil. Not really evil but… annoying.

In year 3, Amber got a crush on Tim and bad thing was because Regina likes him too. But they’re still best friends. Regina always convinced Amber that Adam likes Amber. But Amber never believed her ‘cause Amber thought Adam hated her like hell since the day Shay told Adam that Amber liked him. At this point of time, Amber wasn’t that clever and smart. No one knows why. But she thought maybe it was because she’d done less study and more fun. Amber was also friends with Ashanti and Sabrina. Amber got invited to Ashanti’s birthday party. But they’re not really best friends. On April, Amber decided to take piano lessons. After a few weeks, she found out that Sabrina also plays piano. So she was a little excited. And at that time, she thought Sabrina was the coolest person she’d ever met. Even though Amber had a crush on Tim, deep down she still had feelings for Adam. When Teacher’s Day came, Amber took part on one of the show. He had to dance with Diana which made Amber jealous (again). Amber Also found out that Adam had a little sister.

In year 4, Amber wanted to stop liking Adam because she thought it is so impossible to be with Adam and it is useless liking him because Adam would never like her. But she can’t stop thinking about Adam. It’s really hard for her to forget Adam. Then everything changed when she found that Nick had a crush on her. Nick kept bugging her. Nick told Amber that Amber looked beautiful in every single way for 5 times. She was proud and touched because no one ever said it to her.

One day, Amber went to the library with Attica and Sabrina. Before this, she kept seeing Sabrina and Foster having fun together and they really intimate. So she had the urge to ask Sabrina who was her crush and answered it honestly. Then Amber told Sabrina that she had a HUGE crush on Adam, just to respect Sabrina decision which was telling someone a big secret. Since then, they were best friends and nothing can bring them apart.

Not long after that, Amber had to wear ‘tudung’/ scarf to school. She noticed that Nick seemed like having a crush on Sabrina. She was ultimately jealous. She realized she liked Nick. Once Nick told her that she wasn’t pretty anymore, she cried about that which was humanly stupid. On school holiday, she really missed Nick. She dreamed about Nick a lot.

On 2005, Amber got in 5 Compact. There were lots more stuff that happened to her. She had her boyfriend which was a very nice and sweet guy. The guy is Ryan Smith. It started when Ryan called her almost every night. She was suspicious.

“ Kalau aku suka kau, kau suke aku tak?” Amber asked Ryan on the phone.
“ Asal kau tanye pasal ni?”
“ Saje je. Aku tgk perangai kau lain macam.”
“ Mmmm….mmmmm…..suke!”
“ Hik hik.”

Ryan hanged up. Then Ryan sent a text message which read:
Everything went well. She had the time of her life. Ryan was very nice. He gave Amber a lot of presents and care about Amber.

Unfortunately, everything went wrong when on Sports Day; a senior named Tina wanted Amber’s cell phone just to check. Amber didn’t let her but she just grabbed the phone away and read the messages which she shouldn’t be doing since it was private and personal. She kept teasing Ryan by saying “Ryan loves Amber” out loud. Ryan didn’t like the attention and was really mad that made him said “Aku tak suka pun Amber dan aku takkan suke dia.”

Amber heard what he said and was so sad that she ran to the toilet and cried. Back at her house, Amber wrote in her diary that she broke up with Ryan. That night Ryan sent a message to Amber saying that he was sorry and he didn’t mean what he said at school and he still loves Amber. But Amber didn’t get the message because she turned off her phone.

The next morning, Amber went to school bringing her diary. She put her diary safely in her backpack. On recess, Daniel sneaked in the class and took a peek on Amber’s diary and he read about the broke up. He told Ryan but Ryan didn’t believe, so Daniel showed it to Ryan and Ryan was stunned. Amber didn’t know anything until she came home and read the text message that Ryan gave to her. She cried and text messaged Ryan. But Ryan didn’t reply. Amber was confused and then Daniel told everything and she felt sadder. She wanted to explain to Ryan, but it was too late. She didn’t have any credit. She decided to just give up and she just let it be.

She tried finding another guy to forget about Ryan. She met Isaiah and she liked him. She told Nick about it and Nick told Ryan. Ryan was jealous so he told everyone that he liked a girl named Eva. Amber was a little jealous. But everything was over between them. She had another problem to solve. The senior hated her. So she had to do what Tina wants her to do or her life will apparently be over.

At the same time, Adam did something shocking. On sports practice (latihan rumah sukan), Adam called Amber and Amber was pretty excited and hope for something good. But it turned out Amber said something that really hurts and not appropriate and will not be written (=D). Amber cried when Adam said that OUT LOUD. Since that happened, she really tried to stop liking Adam. It was so hard for her to forget Adam.
Not long after that, Amber entered a ‘boria’ competition. She had to dance with a guy named Samuel. So she had to spend most of the time with Samuel. She realized Samuel is nice person since Samuel gave her the flower bracelet. There was a rumor going on that Samuel had a crush on Amber. One day, when they were practicing.

“ Kau suke siape sbenarnye?” Amber asked.
“ Takkan tak tau kot.” Samuel replied.
“Siape? Aku tak taulah.”
“ Hesh! Kaulah.”

Since then, they were a couple. Samuel often gave Amber presents and flowers. Samuel really liked Amber. But it was a really short term relationship. They broke up after a week. She suddenly changed her mind about Samuel.

After that she just moved on with her life. Until the day that Denise told Amber that Nick liked Amber for a very long time. So she told Denise that she liked Nick too. They knew about each other’s feeling but they didn’t make a relationship. Nick gave one condition to be his girlfriend which was Amber has to act like a total bitch. So Amber was like whatever. But she loved Nick. Nick was her first love. Falling in love with Nick was the most amazing thing that ever happened to her. There was always something powerful, a spirit or soul which was so strong, just something called love.

Amber loved Nick so very much. The next year-2006, Amber had to sit in front of Nick. She was very excited. At that time she knew the meaning of love. She knew what brings to her if she fell in love. She also had two new best friends which was Ashanti and Sarah. Her life was perfect by that time. She just had to wait for a bit more for the confession of the man she loved.

Among all the romance, love and happiness, there was always tragedy and cases, in fact tragic things happened to her. Sarah was always the perfect girl in the group. But actually she wasn’t that perfect. In fact, she was the worst. She lied to all herboyfriend, her rooms well things in her room actually, about her cars, just almost about everything in her life. Everyone in the ‘best friend-hood’ was disappointed. But everything were settled when they agreed to stay out from each other’s life.

Besides all the lies, there still love and like. Amber loved Nick but she liked Adam at the same time. First she kept it secret from her best friends ‘cause she thought her friends would think she’s crazy to love somebody that had hurt her feelings so badly. She braved herself and told what’s in it for her to her friends.

But, unfortunately or may I say fortunately, like became love. The story began when Adam suddenly had been messaging Amber quite a lot. Amber has been noticing Adam also put her on the first of his Top 8. Amber thought Adam liked her but that would be fairytale in fact a fantasy or a dream comes true. So, on 15th March 2006, Wednesday, school holiday, hot evening, they chatted.

Amber: hi.
Adam : ko nk ape?
Amber: nk tny sket bley x?
Adam : nk tny ape?
Amber: ko suke sape? Aku dgr crite ko ade suke
Adam : hmm…ko gtau dulu la
Amber: ala… ko gtau dulu la bgtau huruf pertama
Adam : A.
Amber: A.
Adam : M.
Amber: D.
Adam : B
Amber: A
Adam : er
Amber: Amber?
Amber: M
Adam : heh. Adam.

By that romantic time, she loved Adam. Adam told her everything about how he loved her. It was unbelievable to Amber. Firstly, she didn’t believe it. But after the school holiday, Adam proved his love to Amber. Adam didn’t always text messaged her. But sometimes when he called, it was usually 1 or 1 and a half hours.

They took pictures together, they sit together. Everything was going great until her new male best friend; Kyle (which was also Adam’s best friend) told her that that Adam will be moving away next year. Amber’s heart was broken into pieces. She cried all day. She locked herself in her room. She just couldn’t face reality. She couldn’t even imagine living life without Adam. She couldn’t breathe for a moment.

On 10th June 2006, Amber was sleeping in her room. It was still early. It was about 9 p.m. She slept soundly on her bed. Then she heard a beeping sound coming from her phone. It was Adam‘s message. She smiled. She read the message. Her smile faded. “Amber. I want to break up with U”. A single pearl of tear fell down on her cheek. Then, there were thousands of tears, rushing down her cheek. She tried hard to breath. She didn’t reply. She tried to sleep. But she couldn’t. She kept on crying.

The next day, Adam sent another text message. This time she replied.
“u choose. I’ll just agree. U know what I mean.” Amber replied.
“u mean we’re just friends and not more than that?” Adam replied.
“Whatever you say” Amber replied. That was a little harsh but she didn’t care. After breaking up with him, Amber realized something really important. She wouldn’t know how much she loved Adam until she lost him. She had always thought that after Adam left her, she would forget him easily. But the truth is it was so hard for her to do that. She loved Adam so very much that she would do anything to have him back. Her friends were busy telling her and convincing her to forget Adam. They said there were no profit or benefit by loving Adam. Amber always remembered about the moments she and Adam spent together. Truly to her, she loved him and it was a true love.

After a few months, there were a lot of guys seemed to like Amber. But Adam didn’t seem to care. He didn’t really always talk to her or anything. But they’re still good friends on this online game called Runescape. But that wasn’t enough for Amber. She needed more than what Aqmal was giving to her that time. Then Amber had a new idea. She tried to start a new life. Life without Adam. Maybe she could work it out with Nick by her side. It’s the only thing that she could do to forget a guy. She thought it will work. Well, whenever she did the plan, it will work perfectly according to the plan.

She tried hitting on Nick but it was useless. She doesn’t love Nick anymore. She tried to find a new guy and found David. Amber’s teacher changed her place to sit beside David. Then she was getting to know David and David was a nice and kind-hearted boy. His personality was different from any other guy.

Suddenly, she thought she was falling for him but she quickly threw that feeling away. But day by day and as time passed away; Amber thought maybe they just had to end up together. Everyday Amber hoped that David would like her and talk to her. Amber was happy when David told her that she’s prettier than Sarah.

As time goes by, Amber realized that her love for Adam couldn’t be hidden anymore. She had been denying her love to Adam. Once she couldn’t lie to herself anymore, every single day she searched the reasons why was she loving Adam. She felt stupid and numb.

Not long after that, Kyle told her that Adam wasn’t moving way. She got excited and asked Adam. Unfortunately, Adam told her that His parents had decided to let Adam choose either moving away or not and Adam wanted to move. Amber tried to stop him but it seems impossible.

“Nape nak pindah? Takyah lah!” Amber said.
“Boring arh kat sini.” Adam replied.
“But what about your friends?” asked Amber.
“I only have 3 friends. 3 loyal friends. Not that much.” Adam answered.
“Well I hope you change your mind!” Amber said.

Amber cried a lot after that. She couldn’t believe that Adam did ever love her. She felt cheap and she can’t believe Adam would do such things to her. She always cried every time she was alone.

After a few weeks, Amber chatted with Adam. Adam told her that he meant it when he said he loves her. She also told Adam that Nick was her first love and Adam was her second love. Then she just signed-out without saying good bye. Before this online conversation, Sabrina told Amber that she liked Nick. Amber wasn’t really jealous but she was a little mad when Nick abandoned Amber and took Sabrina instantly.

As time passed away, Sabrina found a new boy and fell in love. It was her first love. Sabrina never fell in love until this guy showed up. Sabrina missed him, loved him and forgot about Nick completely. Amber never thought about taking Nick but she still loved the predictable Adam. Adam hated Amber so much, well, that was what she heard.

Amber thought if Adam knew she still love him, Adam would hate her more. So, she kept it a secret. She didn’t even tell her best friend, Sabrina. But she told Kyle that she liked David. She knew Kyle wouldn’t shut his damn mouth. She also knew that Kyle would tell all his friends including Adam. Amber wanted Adam to know that she liked David so she could convince Adam that she forgotten about him already.
Soon, most of the 6 Angora students knew about David and Amber was very mad. Most of the students figure it out and it was hard for her. But she was starting to realize that letting David knew about her feeling may be the best choice. But then again, what kind of girl would David thought she was.

The last day at school, Regina told Amber that David just said that he liked Amber. Amber didn’t believe it hundred percent. She was scared if she would clap by one hand. Poor her but after the incident, she thought people would totally forget about it the next year. It could happen. But who knows. Actually, registering in the high school, she saw some cute guys. She was interested in some of them. Then, she thought she could never stick on one guy (which is David) in that school. Amber was so scared to step in high school. But yet she had plans and she hoped it would work in order. She wanted to change her image. She wants to be a nerd completely physically. The reason was she didn’t want to be pretty anymore. Sometimes it hurts to be pretty especially when all the guys craving for her and surrounding her. Sometimes she even felt cheap. But once she’s nerd, she knew that not even a guy would want to talk to her or broke her heart.

School holiday started and everything went great. She was enjoying her life until one day Sabrina called Amber and said that she had to go to a boarding school. Amber was speechless. She had an idea and asked Sabrina to coax her mother and asked her mother to let her stay where she belong which was by Amber’s side.
While waiting for an answer from Sabrina, Amber enjoyed her life surfing the internet and watching TV everyday. One day she was surfing the internet.

Suddenly Adam wanted to chat with her so they chatted and chatted. Then Adam said that he still loves Amber but she didn’t believe him. It was awfully SHOCKING. She tried to forget about what happened and tried to enjoy her life. Then Adam started messaging Amber. First they talked about UPSR and some other stuff that were not so important. Then Adam asked Amber who did she like and Amber answered she likes him. Adam then answered he likes Amber too. She didn’t believe him. She thought it was somewhat a play thing just like what used to happen.


How can I be happy one moment and be in tears the other moment
How can I put up a big, bright FAKE smile at school and drown myself in tears in the middle of the night
I figure it out last night
I didn’t figure it ALL out
But I figure it out
He is exactly what I want
I don’t like sane
I don’t like normal
And I really don’t like perfect
He’s not perfect
He’s not normal
He’s not sane
He’s not as handsome as the other guy that I like
He’s not as normal as other people since he dance around in his awful-looking pants
He’s not as sane as other people since he make weird faces every so often without a reason
Because he is average
He is moderate
He is simple
He is plain
He is real
He is EXACTLY what I want
That’s what makes him different
That’s why I cry about him
He’s average
And because of that I thought I can have him easily
But, I stand corrected.
In the middle of the night, I saw his face in my dreams, and I pretend he’s lying beside me
And knowing that he is still not MINE
I cry and kept on crying...

24 February 2007


I was trying to search Huda.God!Where is she.She promised me to be here at 7 am.It's 7.20 am.There she is!

"Huda!Huda!I have to tell you something."
"Last night I struggled to sleep 'cuz I keep thinking 'bout Haraz.I felt like crying but..."
"Why are you being so annoying.I'm fed up of your attitude.God!You're so selfish!You never think about me eventhough you claim I'm your "BFF" whatsoever.I always listen to you.But you NEVER listen to me.I have limits too you know."I already cried at this moment.

I ran away.I didn't know where was I'm going.But I kept running.Once I'm tired,I sat at a quiet place.There was no one.I kept on crying.Then,I heard footsteps.I quickly wiped off my tears and looked away.He came to me,sat down in front of me.

"Wassup?Em.Are you....crying?"
"Err.Never mind.Look.Em,I have to go."
"Wait.Come on.You can talk to me."
"It's Huda.She doesn't understands me.It's so hard to talk to her."Still crying.
"Yeah.She's still a kid.I thought you knew that."
"I know.But I need someone to talk to.I just lost someone.Someone who understands me completely and she's not here and I can't talk to her now and...."Sighed.
"Maybe you should wait.Wait someone.Somebody else to find you and comfort you all the time.Someone who can listen to you.You know.I'm not a very good listener."Smiled.

Then,we heard footsteps.I saw a girl.And a shocked face.OH MY GOD.This must be his girlfriend.Her moth were dropped open.She couldn't believe what she saw.And I couldn't believe what I just did.I'm a terrible person.She ran and he chase her.Before that,he said "I'll talk to you later."