01 December 2008


ari tu tok abah dtg. me and tok abah, tak rapat sgt. tak rapat langsung, to be exact.

but ari tu dia dtg. pastu i was fighting with my cousin. afiq. i want my mp3 back. afiq curi. so gadoh. patu tok abah cakap "ape bende ni? gadoh gadoh." patu i smiled at him. i dont know why.

then he touched my face. he said something like "eleh". i dnt recall. then, i just felt something. oh, and he smiled when he touched my face.

i felt like i actually matter in his life. and i know tht he matters in my life. since then, i keep noticing that whatever i do, or anyone else does for that matter, he notice. he's observing everything even if he doesnt say anything. and i kind of know when he smiles, if he really is smiling or not. i mean, sometimes he smiles, but i know he's not happy. i just felt like it.

when he touched my face and smiled, he seems happy.

i dnt knw why i wrote this. it's just, when he touched me, i feel... i dnt knw, something big and unexplainable. i couldnt tell anyone. so i wrote.

is it psychotic to write this? it seems so. heh.