28 December 2008

budak sbelah meja

Aku mkn di sebuah restoran yang konon facy la. And ade sorg budak yg duduk di meja sbelah meja aku. So? Bace ape yg budak ni fikir.

Aku masuk restoran...
Pandangan pertama
Si budak : boleh tahan lawa pompuan ni

Aku dok kat meja sbelah meja dia...
Pandangan kedua
Si budak : ceh, nak dok bersila jugk. Hmm, lawa topi dia.

Aku order, then terkentut...
Pandangan ketiga
Si budak : busuknye, spe kentut ni. Eh, tersengih sengih plak dia.

Makanan dah sampai. Aku pon mkn...
Pandangan keempat
Si budak : makan beurger pkai pisau garpu. Pergh.

Da habis makan. Dan aku BURP sekuat-kuatnye...
Pandangan kelima
Si budak : adoi, xble kuat lg ke? Aku x habis mkn lg, dia da habis.

Aku main taik mate...
Pandangan keenam
Si budak : eeeeeeee, dia buat ape tu?!

Aku blk umah...
Si budak : pelik benor bdk tu.

10 December 2008

...married happily ever after

i know i'm still young and stupid yadayada whatsoever. but i'm really just saying it because it's what i really want and i will try my best to give the best interest in it and will try to grab that chance of happiness.

here it goes.

i wanna get married. i mean with him. like seriously, i've never thought about marrying this one particular guy since... well since dangdut boy. i want him to be my husband. i want him to be the first to touch me, to hug me and to kiss me. i want him to be the father of my child and raise a family with him. i have it all figured out. i know its too early and all. but i cant help it just to plan out my future, with him. when i imagined it, its like a real true happiness. but, reality check, 'happily ever after' doesn't happen to anyone. so i realize i have to work really hard to get this happiness. and i've been planning everything since the day i want to marry him. i've sort things out.

it's just... he has to play his part too. i dont know how to put this in words. we need knowledge to survive. and to raise a family, we need money, other than love and commitment. RESPONSIBILITY. responsibility is important. it covers everything down to money, love, commitment. we need all that to survive marriage and gain that 'happy ever after'. i've done everything i could. but i need him to play his part to get THIS THAT EVERYTHING. i really hope it'll all work out, somehow.

after all that we've been through, i have to marry him. i have to. and i want to.

and that's why if you wanna marry me, you have to study. from now. sigh.

01 December 2008


ari tu tok abah dtg. me and tok abah, tak rapat sgt. tak rapat langsung, to be exact.

but ari tu dia dtg. pastu i was fighting with my cousin. afiq. i want my mp3 back. afiq curi. so gadoh. patu tok abah cakap "ape bende ni? gadoh gadoh." patu i smiled at him. i dont know why.

then he touched my face. he said something like "eleh". i dnt recall. then, i just felt something. oh, and he smiled when he touched my face.

i felt like i actually matter in his life. and i know tht he matters in my life. since then, i keep noticing that whatever i do, or anyone else does for that matter, he notice. he's observing everything even if he doesnt say anything. and i kind of know when he smiles, if he really is smiling or not. i mean, sometimes he smiles, but i know he's not happy. i just felt like it.

when he touched my face and smiled, he seems happy.

i dnt knw why i wrote this. it's just, when he touched me, i feel... i dnt knw, something big and unexplainable. i couldnt tell anyone. so i wrote.

is it psychotic to write this? it seems so. heh.