21 December 2006


I was text messaging Sabrina.She wasn't always this late.I decided to sneak out since I've always been a good little girl.I told Sabrina I'll wait her at Carrefour.

I went to the 5 dollar shop and looked for Izzie's birthday present.Not long after that,Sabrina appeared.
"Why are you late?"I asked.
"I'm sorry my granny wanted me to buy something for her."she answered.
"Let's go."

We bought some bread for Sabrina's granny and walked home.On the way home,we met Nick and Derek.Then,it started raining.I have a long way back to my house.I can't think of anything.My mum was on the way home.I have to walk home what ever it takes.I ran to talk to Nick.I told him to not tell my brother about this.If he does, my mum will totally kill me.He agreed not to tell.Thank God!

On the way home,I passed Ryan's house.I wanted to stop at his house.Not really go INTO his house.Just stand IN FRONT his house,hoping he would come out and hug me in the rain.Well,that is truly impossible.I started to run.But I'm damn tired.So I walked.

While I walked,I imagine that Ryan saw me when I was running.So,he took an umbrella and ran towards me.He hug me.He lend me his umbrella and walked me home.Then I realized that I'm home.I open the door and walked quickly to my room.I thought that they would see me soaking wet.But all of them were watching TV.Good,I thought.I went to the bathroom and had shower.While showering,I CRY.I don't know why but I cried......CRY......CRY.....CRY.........