03 April 2011

First of all, situasi dah berubah since the last post. Perubahan yang sangat mendadak. Tapi malas nak cerita.

Okay. So. I used to have a lot of issues. I wouldn't call them problems because they're not as big as a real problem. Isu pertama, nak repair basikal. Isu kedua, saya gemuk, bila nak kurus? Isu ketiga, tak nak naik van pergi sekolah, nak naik basikal. Isu keempat, SPM is coming, bila nak start belajar? But this issues means nothing today, right now, these couple weeks. They are still there, but they don't fill my head. I guess it's because my head is full. Even SPM is barely planted in my mind. Terukkan? I don't think about these issues anymore even when they are not yet resolved.

My head is full. Do you know what it is filled with?
Ada laa, tak nak bagitau.

I'm currently reading an adult novel titled Cheyney Fox. I am purposely reading the book to expand the extent of my vocabulary. I find the words quite difficult to understand and I've been reading it with a dictionary by my side.

I went shopping with Mama and Syasya today. And partly with Abang and Ayah. It's a 2 in 1 present and time-to-time-shopping (faham ke?). The thing is, my wardrobe has been spacey for quite some time, I need more clothes. And alang-alang nak dekat birthday ni, why don't make it a birthday present. So we went shopping. At the end of the day, Mama realized she spent too much on me, so she decided to NOT get a birthday cake on my birthday. Of course I protest since it's the best part of birthdays for me. When it comes to birthdays, the first thought that popped would be 'what kind of cake do I want?' then comes 'what do I want from Mama and Ayah for my birthday?'. But this year, I didn't even had time to think about presents. My head is full, remember? Tau tau je dah bulan 4.

Ayah and Mama accused me of playing dirty tricks. I was cleaning my wardrobe this morning. They said I purposely did that to show them I don't have enough clothes. And when we arrived at the mall, my selipar tercabut. They said I purposely did that too. I swear I didn't. It was all a coincidence.

I can't wait to show him my clothes. I always do that. Whenever I bought new clothes, he'll come to see them.