19 June 2012

New Life

Hah, I knew I wouldn't commit to this. Sigh. But I did say I'll try right? It's just the gap is too big and there's a lot of explanations to be made before I can tell about my day. Should I just lay out the basic stuffs? 

Okay. First of all, I'm in Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Foundation in Civil Engineering, May 2012 intake :) It's situated in Tronoh, Perak. About 2 hours and a half from my home, Kualala Lumpur. I've been here for almost a month now. 

Okay, that's all about that, I feel boring writing it out, ugh. 

 Let's talk about feelings, because it's something you don't talk about everyday right? It's something you keep inside. 

 To be frank, I'm leading a happy life, but we can't run away from the sad part of life. Right now, that would be being away from my family, friends and loved ones. Biggest problem over here. I'm not used to being away from the people I care. I'm also not that independent (according to my friends, ye ke?). Anyway, I'm still happy when I'm surrounded with the people in UTP. For example, my super duper awesome room mate/course mate/tutorial mate/lab mate. Banyak kan? Haha. Thank God kami satu kepala :D 

If you ask me to describe life in university in 2 words I would say: difficult and freedom. The first one is the bad part, and the second one is the good part. So, I think it's balance, both are new experiences. Life wasn't difficult before, but I didn't have freedom. Now it's vice versa. 

Okay now I feel like talking about MY MAN. God knows how much I miss him but the fact that I'm super busy keeps me from feeling crappy about being so far away from him. And, being in a long distance relation-ship for almost 2 months now, i have something to say actually. 
"Jangan pandang rendah. Distance can actually make the relationship stronger."