12 December 2013


The other day, I found out something about my kakak usrah. Before this, I knew that my kakak usrah was kind of engaged to this guy from the same college (they had rings and stuff I think). But they definitely have met each other's parents and planned to get married. But the she told the story, I didn't see it as a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Then, after a while, I found out that they broke up and briefly she told me it was because the guy had found someone else.

So what I found out just the other day, was who the guy was. And who that "other girl" is. And at first I was so pissed at the guy. And when I think again. I am just actually so pissed with stupid immature boys. BOYS. Not men. BOYS. It is so effing stupid to go meet up with her parents and promise you wanna marry her and then suddenly decide you want someone else. It is effing bullshxt.

It just makes me think about this friend that warned me before I got into a relationship. He told me "Lelaki ni semua sampah. Aku pun sampah." And you know what, right now, I completely believe him.

I need to type this here so when some guy wants to approach me, I'll remember how stupid they are, how I should not get involved. I am never gonna fall for boys again. Because they are stupid. They make stupid decisions and are not commited. Never BELIEVE THEM UNLESS THEY WANT TO GET MARRIED, LIKE, RIGHT NOW.

I am forever gonna follow whatever my mom says about boys because she is ALWAYS RIGHT.

I know one day I might just get weak again, I might fall for a guy. But I have friend who will remind me. And I also have this blog to remind me how STUPID THESE BOYS ARE.

Okay, calm down. Astaghfirullah. Sorry for my harsh words.

I'm just preparing myself to be the perfect isteri right now (of course not 'perfect' perfect, you know what I mean). I cook and clean, I listen to my parents. Just basically, doing the things Allah wants me to do. And at the same time practising how to take care of a home, a husband, my children. In shaa Allah. If I put jodoh in Allah's hands and trust Him, in shaa Allah, He will give me what I deserve.