30 October 2008

i dont love him anymore

sumone who knows me better than i do, told me that i dnt actually love this hindustan guy. instead , he said, the only person i love is the dangdutt boy. haha.

i trust him. because he knows me. yea. i do. he tells me tht this hindustan is just probably a phase.

he knows how i talk abt hindustan. and he knows how i talk abt dangdut. he knows everything and he's just like a person watching from the outside. so he probably knows best. right.

so, i dont love him anymore. because he said i dont have to :)

28 October 2008

hindustan 8

i keep changing my mind. about you. i'm sorry. i'm such a pain in the ass. i know. i'm still trying, you knw, moving on. its hard. but i'll manage, hopefully.

your top friend. i was the third and she was after me. i mean, is tht even real? sigh.

i'm hearing from three sides.

you- i love you and her.
him 1- he loves both and dnt wanna hurt anybody.
him2-he loves her, and doesnt love you.

my head is exploding, but i hv friends. and family. so i'm okay. i am not alone. correct?

Right. sigh.

wait. i love you and him too. so, fair and square? heh. i'm crapping again. whatever. chow.

25 October 2008

brandi carlile the story

All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true...I was made for you
I climbed across the mountain tops
Swam all across the ocean blue
I crossed all the lines and I broke all the rules
But baby I broke them all for you
Because even when I was flat broke
You made me feel like a million bucks
You do
I was made for you
You see the smile that's on my mouth
It's hiding the words that don't come out
And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed
They don't know my head is a mess
No, they don't know who I really am
And they don't know what
I've been through like you do
And I was made for you...
All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true...I was made for you

24 October 2008

hindustan 7


Jap. Aku nk ko tau. Aku ni x de ar jahat mne. Bukan la cam maen2 kan persaan ko ke ape. Pop jap syg ko pop jap x syg ko dah. Bukan mcm tu. aku tgh cube. Utk lupekan ko. Utk x syg ko. Tah aku xtau nk ckp mcmane supaye ko paham. Sbb aku ni mmg susah nk paham. Btol x? amirah ni dala susah nk paham. Patu x ske drama. Padahal dia la yg salu buat drama. Gedik oh. Sigh. Mcm mane nk ckp eh? Aku, klu bley, aku x nk ko cam ade dlm hidup aku supaye aku x syg ko. Tp bile aku x bley x syg ko, nnt aku nk ko blk dlm hidup aku, tp by the time aku nk ko blk, misti ko da x syg aku sepenuhnye.

Lg satu, aku rse, aku bley rse bile ko x syg aku. And aku penah ckp aku syg ko bile ko syg aku je kan. Dan skang aku bley rse yg ko da x syg aku. Dan aku pon akan x syg ko la. Kan? Klu nk buat situasi ni lebih senang adelah dgn ko x syg aku, aku x syg ko, kan? Tah, aku da merepek ar.

Okeh! Hari ni aku akan try ckp jahat2 ngan ko. Tgk ar. Insyaallah.

P wei, mne surat tu?
L surat ape?
P surat yg aku bg tu la.
L buat ape ko nk? Ko da bg kat aku.
P aku nk koyak. Aku x ske ko pgg surat tu. Nnt tercicir, buat susah je. Ko bukan nye pndai jage barang.
L eh spe yg x pandai jage barang ha?
P ko ni bwk ke x surat tu? Klu x bwk ckp je la, jgn buang mse aku.
L aaaaa
P da ar mls aku nk layan ko. (bla)
L ey jap. (kejar)
P (x pndang belakang) jgn ganggu aku.
L (terkejut) bukan dia syg aku ke? (heh, kejar la sgt) (bla)
P (pusing balik) jap. Wei!
L (pusing balik gak) ape?
P (lari kat laki tu and pukul2 laki tu) aku benci ko.
L (diam je, terkejut)
P ko paham x ‘jgn ganggu aku’ tu ape? Hah?! Jgn ganggu aku tu maksudnye jgn dtg sini. Jgn dtg sini dgn bulu mate ko tu, dgn mate ko, dgn rambut ko ngan tgn ko tu. Jgn dtg sini. Jgn lalu dpn klas aku! Ko tau x ape ko buat klu ko dtg sini?! Ko ganggu aku, ko buat aku syg ko blk dgn bulu mate ko, dgn mate ko dgn tgn ko tu. Aku benci ko. Jgn dtg sini. Jgn lalu dpn klas aku. Jgn bg aku nmpk ko. Jgn bg aku nmpk bulu mate ko. Jgn bg aku nmpk mate ko. Nnt aku sakit. Aku sakit la. Asal ko lembap sgt?! Aku x ckp aku sedih. Aku x ckp aku kecewa. Aku x ckp aku disappointed. Aku x ckp aku marah. Aku x ckp aku patah hati. Aku x ckp aku broken hearted. AKU CKP AKU SAKIT. Ko x paham ke?! (masih lg pukul laki tu)(batuk2, tutup mulut)(lari gy toilet)

Korang, korang paham x yg aku sakit? Klu korang pon x paham, mcm mane dia nk paham.

hindustan 6


I had mother to daughter talk. And my mom told me something about this crazy love for him. And wht she said was true. Majority. Wht she said made me think twice. I shouldn’t get too carried away with my feelings for him. I’m young. I should let nature takes by its course. And after wht she said, sayang aku kat dia da kurang. Yea. I’m just gonna try to forget him. And live a happy life. I shud probably take a break from all this drama. I shudnt hope or rely on him so much. I should think rationally. Jgn terlalu mengikut perasaan. I admit, it will be hard to forget him. But I’ll try. Bcuz I’m young. I can meet tons of other ppl in my future life. Right? I admit, I still love him. But makin lame makin kurang and I hope it will fade until there’s no more left. I wish I cud just erase all the memories when we’re together. But those were precious memories, precious moments.
It just… hurts like hell. And everybody thinks I’m the villain in the story. I’m always the bad guy rite? Tht’s why nobody ever thinks abt wht I feel. Bcuz whT I do to them, is against wht I really feel. Oh is tht what you call it, pendam? Never thought that word would suit me. but you just said it, tht day, pendam. Heh, bodoh. Klu dia pendam cane ko tau? BODOH! Klu aku pendam ko x tau, kenape? Ko x paham ke? Hah. Asal ko lembap sgt? Aku sms ko tiap2 mlm gudnite. Aku simpan gambar ko dlm purse aku. Aku cll ko 1 jam. Ko x fikir ke kenape aku buat bende tu? Klu aku x ckp, x semestinye aku x rase, aku x syg ko. Ergh! Aku kan pelik. Ko kan tau? Hah? Ko x tau ke? Aku xbley ckp bende2 bodoh tu. Ahh menyampah aku! Mati ar mati sume. Tgk ape ko buat? Ko buat aku jadi jahatt. Ggrrr.

I’m stupid I know. There are bigger things happening outside. And I’m mopping around like a fat ass broken hearted girl. Eh bodo.


hindustan 5


i’m lucky I’m in love with my bestfriend
lucky to have been where I have been
lucky to be coming home again
they don’t know how long it takes
waiting for a love like this
everytime we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I’ll wait for you
I promise you
I will
I’m lucky I’m in love with my bestfriend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we’re in love every way
Lucky to have state what we have state
Lucky to be coming home someday.

What is it tht I like so much about him?

1 aaaaaaaaaaaa I don’t know
2 his pretty eyelashes? Fake eyelashes. Hah xdela.
3 his full lips. Eek!
4 his complexion. Haha double eek!
5 his voice.
6 his sensitivity
7 his masculine hands
8 his bod
9 maybe all his flaws

Sometimes imperfection defines beauty.
Seriously I cnt think of anything good about.
If I think again, there are all sorts of flaws.
He’s not tht smart, not tht rich, not tht hot.
There’s nothing to like abt him.
Everything is just FLAWED.

hindustan 3


Skang ni aku kene fakir betul2.
Buat keputusan.
Sebelum ape2 berlaku.
Aku kene fikir ape perkare yang terbaik utk dilakukan dalam siuasi ini.
I know, skema right? Thts why I rarely use BM. English is so much prettier. I mean more beautiful. As a language. No.
What shud I do? Shud I just let it be? Sbb da nk cuti. Whts the point. Tah. Klu cuti bukannye aku nmpk pompuan tu pon kan?tp boleh ke aku bertahan dgn kerenah mereka. Ah! Lihat ayatku sudah skema kembali.
Or maybe I should ignore the fact tht she exist.
Just don’t think abt her. Right?
Think about he good times I had with him  haa~…
EEK! Not gonna happen.
He is driving me crazy.
Mengapa dia mesti syg sma perempuan itu? Perempuan out kan boley cari laki lain. Dia tu lawa, byk kwn. Saye ada apa aja la. Rupa pon tada. Otak ada laa. Gedempol lagi. Aiyo dia tada kesian sama saya ka?
Laki ini saja la yg mau saya. Yang lain tamao. Aiyo. Laki in buat saya gila la. Jd org gilaa! Siapa suruh saya sayang sama dia hah? Sapa yg bodo, ha? Silap sapa?
SAYA JUGA! Aiyo. Ini macam mati saja kan senang, hilang sakajap ka? Disappear. Haa disappear sakajap. Satu minggu ka, dua minggu ka. Dtg blk sini, tgk masala suda tada. Yooo kan senang. Hidup mana boley senang. Itu la sebab x bole disappear.

Pengajaran ayat : hidup ini susah.
Penyelesaian nye:::::::::: wallahualam.

hindustan 2


Aku tak boley la.
Aku rase aku x boley la.
Aku sakit skang ni.
I’m hurt.
And you’re hurting me.
Aku rase x sdp hati.
Aku rse hina bile dia dgn ko.
Aku rse besalah bile aku dgn ko.
Dan utk hilangkan rse x sdp hati ni, ko kene buat something.
Something yg aku xnk pakse ko buat sbb aku xde hak.
Aku nk ko ckp kat dia, nothing special, I have someone else.
Aku nk ko ckp kat aku, be with me until the end of time, I’ll make you happy.
Tapi aku nk ko ckp mcm tu HANYA jika bende tu BENAR.
Buat mse ni aku sanggup. Aku sanggup merisikokan hati aku.
Tapi bile aku dah x tahan, aku akan minx ko buat bende ni skali je.
Tapi klu ko x buat, aku pergi.
Aku akan lupekan kau dan cari laki lain untuk disukai supaya aku dapat think about someone other than you.
Aku terpakse.
Aku ckp betul.
Kalau aku sakit, aku akan lari.
Aku lari tutup mate sbb aku tgh nanges.
Aku takkan bukak mate selagi aku x berhenti berlari.
Dan aku xkan berhenti berlari selagi aku x diberhentikan.
Memandangkan ko syg dia, ko xkan hentikan aku.
Aku tau.
Bile aku rse aku da stop lari je, aku akan bukak mate dan realize aku x bley bukak mate.
Sbb yg memberhentikan aku tu, kereta.

Selepas itu, aku kene tunggu sahaje.
Kalau aku bukak mate, aku kat hospital.
Kalau aku tunggu je, alamatnye smpai kiamat ar bru aku bukak mate.


hindustan 1


P:Wei. Okok aku cakap. Aku sayang ko. Puas hati?

L:Asal ko mcm x ikhlas je?

P:Perlu ke?

L:Perlu ke ape?

P:Perlu ke aku syg ko?


P:Eh eh perlu ke aku ckp?

L:Ckp ape?

P:Ckp aku syg ko. Penting ke?

L:Penting bagi aku. Sume bende yg ko ckp penting bg aku.

P:Asal plak?

L:Sebab aku syg ko.

P:Oh la ko syg aku ke? Awat x cakap?

L:Ko jgn memaen bley x?

P:True love requires no words.

L:Hah ape? Aku x dgr.

P:Xde pape buah kelape lime sen dua ko kawen ngan org jawe.

P/S laki : L, pompuan : P.


19 October 2008

smart arse

Nobody gives a shit that I’m a smart arse. Maybe some of the people in class do but their compliments for my freakin genius mind is just… a small little paper on the hallway compare to what my parents have to say. You know that small paper on the street, you look a it and do nothing. The paper that means nothing and you completely ignores it. Compare to my parents’ compliments. Cause I do give a damn about them, about what they have to say about my freakin genius mind. You see, I’m not a nice person. I don’t say thank you when someone gives me something. I don’t say sorry when I make mistakes. I don’t talk to the people that I don’t like. I’m not nice or kind or hardworking or anything positive that might comes out in your head. Yea. And my parents, to them, the important thing is to be nice and all to people. But I don’t do that. The only thing I’m capable of is getting straight A’s, being on top in class, do what you want me to do, I guess. So, instead of being nice, I became this smart arse person who doesn’t give a damn about anything. I thought ‘smart’ could replace ‘nice’. But, no, being nice is still the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE. I’m sorry I cant be exactly you want me to be. Cut me some slack. Cause nobody appreciate this freakin genius mind. You know? Sigh…

ps/ okay I’m exaggerating. Not really freakin genius. But I’m smart and they wanted smart, then why cant they just say I’m so proud that you’re my daughter or I’m proud of you. Why can’t they say that? Because I’m not nice? Is that it?